2012 General Election

General Election - November 6, 2012

Absentee Statistics

Candidate List

Federal and State Offices

The filing period for candidates affiliated with non-party political organizations (NPPOs) and candidates not affiliated with a political organization is July 30 through August 17. The candidate list will be updated daily during the candidate filing period.

The Republican and Democratic parties may hold nomination conventions to nominate candidates to fill ballot vacancies. The conventions can be held at any time. These candidates may file their nomination papers before 5 p.m. August 17. The candidate list below includes these candidate who have already filed.

County Offices

The filing period for county offices is August 6 through August 29. Contact your county auditor for information on county candidates.

Candidates, please visit the General Candidate Information page for information on running for office.

Judicial Retention

The deadline for judges to file their declarations of candidacy is Wednesday, July 25.

For additional information on judicial retention, please visit the Iowa Judicial Branch website.

Voter Pre-Registration Deadline

Saturday, October 27 - 5 p.m.

Deadline to Request an Absentee Ballot by Mail

Friday, November 2 - 5 p.m.


Date Event
Monday, July 30 Federal and state candidate filing begins
Monday, August 6 County candidate filing begins
Friday, August 17 - 5 p.m. Federal and state candidate filing ends
Wednesday, August 29 - 5 p.m. County candidate filing ends
Saturday, September 22 Absentee ballots for military and overseas voters must be mailed by today.
Regular absentee ballots for domestic voters must be mailed as soon as they are ready.
Thursday, September 27 First day to vote in-person by absentee ballot at county auditor's office
Monday, October 22 Worry-free postmark deadline for mail-in voter registration forms
Saturday, October 27 - 5 p.m. Voter pre-registration deadline
Auditor's office open from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. for voter registration
Friday, November 2 Deadline to request an absentee ballot by mail
Saturday, November 3 Auditor's office open until 5 p.m. for in-person absentee voting
Monday, Novmeber 5 Last day to vote in-person by absentee ballot at county auditor's office
Tuesday, November 6 Election Day
Polls open 7 a.m. until 9 p.m. statewide
Tuesday, November 13 - noon Deadline for absentee ballot to be returned
Absentee ballot must also be postmarked on Monday, November 5 or earlier

Offices on the 2012 General Election Ballot

U.S. Offices

  • President/Vice President
  • U.S. Representative (all districts)

State Offices

  • State Senator (even-numbered districts 2-50 and district 49)
  • State Representative (districts 1-100)

County Offices

  • Some members of county boards of supervisors
  • County auditor
  • County sheriff
  • Any vacant offices needing to be filled

Non-Partisan Offices

  • Some township officers
  • County public hospital trustees
  • Soil and water conservation district commissioners
  • County agricultural extension council members
  • Any vacant offices needing to be filled

Judges Standing for Retention

  • Judges may stand for retention at the General Election before their terms expire