Business Entities Search
Search Info: This page allows you to enter in the first few letters or words of a business entity name, and retrieve a list of all business entities beginning with the same letters. For example, entering NOW may return NOW INC., NOWHERE INC., and NOW PUBLICATIONS INC.. Additional search information.
Please Note: The Secretary of State’s office has reviewed its privacy and public information policy and has determined that social security numbers will be redacted from business entity document images prior to making them available on our web site.
Note: The Secretary of State's Office is a filing repository and does not determine the authority of a filer to make a submission. It is the responsibility of authorized filers to frequently check the status of filings on the Web site to ensure protection against submissions by an unauthorized party. If you determine that a submission was not authorized, it is your responsibility to seek legal action to protect your status.
Liability Statement: While the Iowa Secretary of State's Office makes all reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of information contained on this website, it makes no representation or warranty as to the correctness or completeness of the information.