DES MOINES – Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate announced on Monday that his office begins mailing Voter ID cards this week to registered voters in the state who do not possess a valid Iowa driver's license or non-driver's ID. The cards are free and will be sent automatically to 123,000 Iowans, roughly six percent of the state's registered voters. This process will ensure that every registered voter in the state will have an identification card to use when voting, starting with the 2018 elections.
"It should be easy to vote, but hard to cheat, and that's what this new law ensures," Secretary Pate said. "We are taking the unprecedented step of mailing free Voter ID cards automatically to every registered voter who does not already have an Iowa driver's license or non-driver's ID. Only those Iowans will receive these cards. I encourage them to be on the lookout for the Voter ID cards in the mail, and when they receive their card, open it, sign it and keep it."
An audio clip of Sec. Pate's quote is available here.
A picture of the envelope the cards will arrive in is available here.
A sample picture of the new Voter ID card is available here.
Voter ID Card Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who receives a Voter ID card?
The Secretary of State's office has identified approximately 120,000 registered voters who do not have a valid identification card issued from the Iowa DOT. These individuals will automatically receive a free voter ID card in the mail in mid-December. If you have a valid driver's license or a non-operator identification card from the Iowa DOT, you will not receive a Voter ID card and will only need to bring your current ID to the polls beginning January 2018.
2. When will the Voter ID card be sent to me?
The Secretary of State's office will mail out Voter ID cards in mid-December. If you do not receive a card by late-December and you do not have a current ID from the Iowa DOT, you will need to contact your county auditor's office.
3. Why did someone in my household get a Voter ID card but I didn't?
If you have a valid Iowa driver's license you will not receive a voter ID card. Only registered voters who do not currently have an Iowa driver's license or an Iowa non-driver identification card issued from the Iowa DOT will receive a Voter ID card.
4. How do I get a Voter ID card?
If you have a valid Iowa driver's license you will not receive a Voter ID card. If you do not have a valid driver's license or non-driver ID issued from the Iowa DOT, you just need to register to vote with your county auditor to receive a voter ID card free and automatically.
5. What if I lose my Voter ID card?
It is important to keep your Voter ID card. If you lost your card after receiving it in the mail, you need to contact your county auditor's office for a replacement card.
6. What do I need to do with my Voter ID card?
It is important to keep your Voter ID card. Once you receive your Voter ID card in the mail, please check to make sure the information is accurate. Sign it. Then put in your wallet for safe keeping until Election Day.
7. What if I have moved and don't live at the same residence?
In order to vote, you need to be registered to vote with your current address. If you have moved, update your voter registration and a new Voter ID card will be mailed to you. The card will be mailed to the address where you most recently registered to vote. Again, if you have a driver's license you will not receive a voter ID card.
8. When do voters have to start showing ID at the polls?
During calendar year 2018 voters will be asked to show their ID before voting at the polls. Anyone who does not have the necessary ID will be asked to sign an oath verifying their identity, and will be allowed to cast a regular ballot. NO ELIGIBLE VOTER WILL BE TURNED AWAY.
Beginning January 1, 2019, Iowa voters will be required to show a driver's license, non-driver's ID, passport, military ID, veterans ID, or Voter ID Card at the polls before they vote. Voters without the necessary ID may use an attester, or they will be offered a provisional ballot and can provide ID up until the time of the county canvass of votes (Monday after election day for Primary and General Elections). NO ELIGIBLE VOTER WILL BE TURNED AWAY.